Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday, January 29th, My biggest challenge to date, finished!

In September, my sweet neighbor and her mom came to the quilt show at my invitation. They enjoyed it so much and even though neither one is a quilter, they drooled over the vendor area and the gorgeous fabrics and projects displayed there. Marie's mom fell in love with an Edyta Sitar wall hanging and asked me if I would make it for her. I helped her pick out fabric, she paid for it and I shook in my boots because it is a technique I have not ventured into. Well, yesterday, I finally finished it. It was a many step process, with tracing images, fusing, cutting, piecing and then quilting.....and quilting....and quilting. I love how it turned out.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday, January 23rd, Another bag....can't get enough of them!!

I have been very busy cutting projects for quilt retreat. We don't go until the 4th of February, but it is in the boonies, so a quick trip to the fabric store is not really possible. Also, so as not to take vacation time, I am working quite a bit before then. I am down to the last three cutting items and hope to have that wrapped up by Wednesday. I also have to get two projects to a certain level for "show and tell". With all of that to do, you'd think that what I made yesterday could have waited, but I decided to make it while I had the inspiration. This is the same little book bag that Diane made at our project day in November and then Celia made it very recently. When I saw Celia's and played with it a bit, I fell in love with it. The fabric was from a charm pack I bought on E-bay and the lining, handle and binding fabric came from my stash. It should have gone together very quickly, but I cut the charm pack down to 2 1/2 inch squares and then randomly pieced it.
I just love how it turned out, however, the "embellishment" on the pocket was to imitate the circles on one of the fabrics, but I think it looks more like the Target symbol. Oh well, I tried.
It is perfect for a trip to the library and for small group when I am carrying a Bible and a study book and my purse. My Bible fits absolutely perfect with two additional books.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Friday, January 15th, Me...on skis...a bit like an elephant on skis...

Chuck has been trying to get me to try cross country skiing forever. I have been very hesitant as I am not the most coordinated person in the world, but this week he borrowed Kathy's skis as she is about my shoe size and we set a date. I was scared to death, but in the end, I only fell twice. I think that is because I got a little overconfident and I lost my balance when I got going a little too fast. I am willing to do it again, but only with my very patient husband who actually sat on a bench at one time to wait for me to catch up. He said the conditions weren't very good as we have had warmer temperatures the past couple of days and it wasn't really snow, but more icy conditions. Next time we have a good snow, I will try again to see if it is a bit easier.

Thursday, January 14th, gotta come down sometime

I thought this was such a pretty pic of dad and daughter taking down the tree.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday, January 10th, Lots of little projects.

Thought I would share some of the little things I have made in the past few month, some for selling, some for gifts:
I made ten sets of these 4 season place mats for the guild boutique in September and not one of them sold. That just meant that I had Christmas/birthday/shower gifts! Curves also offered us to sell things there for over the holidays and I sold two sets there.
I made a dozen of these wine gift sacks for the boutique. Because they were fairly low in price, I did sell a couple of those and gave some as gifts and sold some at Curves.

My friend Kathy had this awesome pattern for a reusable shopping bag that I have made multiple times. I had a ton of fabric that I wasn't going to use for quilting that I used and made 6 of them and have 4 more ready to sew. I did sell a couple of these at Curves. But when I saw this fabric:
I knew I had to make one for each of the girls. They love reusable shopping bags rather than getting a plastic bag each time.The cool thing about these bags is that they fold up to go in your purse. (if you carry a big purse like is so popular right now)
This is the inside of Candice's bag, and Catie's is made opposite.
I have been making these decorative towels on a monthly basis since August. I make 4 at a time. They are really cute and I gave 5 of them to my sister-in-law for Christmas. I couldn't get the whole year done before Christmas. I am getting really good at the blanket stitch on my sewing machine.
This is my most recent project, a diaper bag for my nephew's baby that is due next month:The pattern is not marketed as a diaper bag, but when I saw it and the fabric that the shop sample was made in, I fell in love with it. The fabric is by a local designer, Jane Sassaman, who spoke at our guild. She took us through the entire designing process, which was fascinating.
I also made a card and got it in the mail before our big snow hit on Thursday. They actually got it in time for the shower yesterday

Friday, January 8th, A new place for sweet treats

Friday, Catie and I spent a bit of time together scrap shopping. On our way out of Antioch, we went to a new cupcake shop. We were the last customers of the day, so I bought one for her and Chuck and then got some for Bunco tonight. So pretty!!
Left to right, that's Carrot Cake, Lemon Meringue, German Chocolate, Chocolate Butter cream, Vanilla Chocolate Chip and Chocolate Chocolate Chip.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thursday, January 7th, Been bursting to tell!!!

We got some great news at Thanksgiving!! After gathering at the table, the head of the household traditionally gives thanks for the meal and for our time together.
David said, "Uncle Chuck, I'll pray for the meal".
Chuck responded by saying "no I'll pray", In other words, "It's my house, kid, it's my job",
David, "No, I'd like to to it."
Chuck: "Ummmmm".
Beryl: "Just let David pray"
Chuck: "Alright"....big uncomfortable pause

So we all bow our heads, David starts thanking God for the meal, our family, (at which point, I get all teary because I always miss Mom especially at holidays) how good He has been to us in the past year and he ends the meal by thanking God for their baby that is coming in June!!!
At which point, Beryl is cheering (their whole family already knew), and I am sobbing as are the grandparents. Liz was pretty nauseous the whole time they were at our house, but she is so excited.
David is going to be the greatest dad.

So cool, a baby!!! I am going to be a great aunt and my older sister is going to be a grandma!!! I can't wait to love on this baby!
The reason I can tell now is because David announced it on FB a couple of days ago, which I guess makes it official!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Thursday, December 31st, Once in a Blue Moon...

Well, that is a year in my life....I didn't think I could stick with it for 365 days, but it was a challenge I gave myself a year ago. Could I document my life every day??? Just like the frequency of a Blue Moon, I didn't think it was very likely. But here I am, 12 months later, and I saw it to completion.
You, my 2-3 faithful readers have stuck with me and seen my joys, my sorrows, my idiosyncrasies, my obsessive compulsiveness....that's my life. I am thankful for everything that is a part of me. I'm not perfect, but I guess I wouldn't change a thing about who I am.
This is not to say I will never post again, but I will only post on an occasional basis. Check back or put my blog in your "reader" so you will know when I post.

Now, what will 2010 bring????

Wednesday, December 30th, Now that's pricey!!!

On my way out of town yesterday, I had to fill the van with gas. I about had a fit as the price was $2.75.9, which is the highest it has been in months.
Then on the way home, we passed by the same gas station, and this was the price:I guess I'm glad that I filled up when I did!!!
Catie and I were up early today, so I could take her to the airport. There was very little traffic and I had her to the door in about 45 minutes. After a work out, I was home again at 8:30. Easy peasy!

Tuesday, December 29th, Connecting with Aunt Jo

Beryl, Dad and I went out to Woodstock today to see my mom's sister, Aunt Jolene. She lives alone and her kids are out of state. We had a lovely visit, but I am always so sad when I leave there. She rarely leaves her home and hasn't seen her kids for a long time.
When we left her house, I took Beryl to the square in Woodstock and of course, we hit a quilt shop, a coffee shop and discovered a scrap booking store. We didn't get home until 7 or so and then watched a movie with Catie while she was packing and doing laundry for her trip to Pennsylvania to visit Steve and his family.

Monday, December 28th, Shopping and family

Catie and I went shopping today so I could spend some of my Christmas money from my dad and to hit some after Christmas sales. I got a perfect pair of jeans at Old Navy for $19.00!! Also, I lost my watch a few weeks ago and got one for $12.00 at Target. The greatest buy of the day was these awesome jammies!
Not that they were cheap, but they totally score in the cuteness factor. Beryl and Dad came today to spend a few days with us and she broke out her adorable PJ's, too.

Sunday, December 27th, Baker extraordinaire!

Due to budget constraints, my mother-in-law doesn't give us Christmas gifts, but instead bakes cookies to give to us.
Her baked goods are just marvelous and it is something I look forward to every year:
She is famous for her sugar cookie cut outs. This is the recipe that we use at home and the girls tend to make them every year.
Four more mounds of sugary bliss. Pecan Tassies, Cranberry Tassies, Almond pillows and Mexican wedding cakes.
And then there is the homemade Candy....can I say mmmmmmmm?????

Saturday, December 26th, A Tindell Christmas

We left this morning in a snow storm for Christmas in Springfield with Chuck's family.It took us a couple more hours to get there than it usually does and we stopped in Bloomington for lunch.
Most of us exchange names for gift giving, but we usually all get gifts for Vera:
When she was here in November, we went to a new thrift store and she admired this cookie jar. She obsessively collects snowmen. I bought it that day for her. She never knew and was pleasantly surprised.
We had a fun day with the family, even though when these folks get together, the noise level rivals O'Hare!
Chuck, Christine, Tommy, Robert and Vera.

Friday, December 25th, Brown paper packages tied up with strings....

My work schedule requires that I either work the Eve or the Day of Christmas. I prefer to work the Eve, because we have always done our Christmas on the day. Since I work with a few Polish gals and they usually celebrate on the Eve, it almost always works to my advantage.
I got home in a timely manner and before my nap, we opened our socks. I bought these cute "magical" socks for the girls. They are all shrinky...and then you put them in water and they expand...
into these beautiful socks....we say beautiful because that is what the package said.

and then I took a 4 hour nap. The girls have always been so patient. We have our traditions; homemade Caramel rolls for breakfast, gloriously baked by Catie, the reading of the Christmas story from Luke 2, family prayer and then the choosing of Santa (this year played by Catie)
I think maybe the crafting gene was passed to Catie as she wrapped her gifts in a most lovely manner:Yep, that "bow" is a fat quarter for me!
Chuck has collected maps for years and he gave a few to her to use:It was just a lovely gift opening and we always make it last and last. In fact, this year, we listened to The Nutcracker while opening and it finished when we opened the last gift.
Here are my thoughtful acquisitions:
A Bare Minerals makeup brush...because somehow I lost mine! From Candice...
My very own personalized return address stamp...from Catie and of course the fat quarter.
Some awesome scrap booking stuff from Chuck.
This quilt book that I really wanted from Chuck and also some delectable lip gloss/stick.
I made these reusable shopping bags for the girls.
After cleaning up the mess, we sat around and enjoyed the beauty of the day, the glow of the Christmas tree and each other. And then we watched the snow fall.
We munched on appetizers while dinner was cooking...another tradition and then had a wonderful dinner of baked ham, potato casserole, green beans, cherry jello and Hawaiian rolls (the same every year).
However, this day is more than just gifts, food and traditions; it is the celebration of the greatest gift ever given from God to man. To think that God would stoop so low to come as a baby drives me to my knees in thankfulness and joy.
My dad's cousin wrote this lovely poem for their Christmas greetings this year and it says so eloquently what I can't:
Behold God's Beautiful Promise, kept from eternity,
That plan before creation, to reach humanity.
The Promise sent to save us, for oft we sin and fall,
The hope for earth from heaven, lies in a lowly stall.

The Promise come to Bethlehem, when Jesus Christ is born,
Brings fear, then jubilation, on that blessed holy morn,
As angel hosts sing glory, to God in highest heaven,
Shepherds seek and find him, their homage humbly given.

Among the sheep a Shepherd comes to the world that day,
Who leads us on life's journey and finds us when we stray.
The Lamb of God as promised, is nailed to Calvary's tree,
Our sin and shame upon Him, He dies for you and me.

His star lights up the desert, drives darkness from the land,
Its rays shine down from heav'n as sages cross the sand.
The long awaited Promise beckons seekers far and wide,
To make the journey with Him, and let Him be their guide.

The Promise kindles hope, throughout the darkest night,
When doubts and fears assail us, awaiting morning light.
The shadows that surround us, will not ere-long prevail,
His light shines in the darkness to lead us through the vale.

Charles B. Jessen