Thursday, April 22, 2010

Friday, April 9th, Shocking......

We had our house built 16 years ago. The first and hopefully the last time we would ever do anything so stressful in our marriage. The builder was definitely a con man who talked out of both sides of his mouth, made promises that he never intended to keep, and used shoddy workmanship. Actually, my list of complaints about his company could fill a book, but we have a roof over our heads and for the most part live a comfortable life. He has declared bankruptcy about 3 times over the years and started new companies with different names. On our way out of town today, Chuck wanted to show me the house that he started, but now is sitting idle due to lack of funds. The extravagance is unbelievable.You must click on the picture to really see the size of this monstrosity. I wonder what the sale of our house purchased here? A window or one of the garage doors, perhaps? Maybe this is just punishment for him....I'm not sure.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Sunday, April 4th, He is Risen....Indeed!!!

We had a lovely weekend with Dad here. I worked Friday night, so Saturday was a bit of a draggy day for me as I was sleeping half of the day and in a coma for the rest....
Yesterday was a joyful celebration of our risen Lord at church and then the three of us had a wonderful Easter lunch. I purchased a crown pork roast at Aldi at Christmas time, but never found the time to have a dinner party with going out of town, work obligations, etc.
I thawed it in the fridge for two days and simply put it in the oven at 325 degrees right before we walked out the door. Isn't it gorgeous??? It was totally preseasoned and I glazed it for the last hour of cooking with a combination of orange juice, soy sauce and white syrup. This was the total meal, which was such a divine welcome to spring and all things blooming: apricot-apple stuffing (thanks to Chuck's chopping), roasted asparagus, flaky rolls, spring greens with lemon vinaigrette, and key lime pie for dessert. My men were so satisfied!!!