Sunday, January 18, 2009

January 17th and 18th, Saturday and Sunday

Yesterday, Chuck was able to take advantage of the slightly warmer temperatures and go cross country skiing with Kathy and Tim. Even though it was still in the teens, he sweated through all three layers of clothing, but had a great time.
This was his investment from last winter:
Meanwhile, I stayed home and got ready for work last night.
I will not be in church for the next two Sundays and always miss it when I am out for that long.
On our way out of church this morning, Kenny pointed out the ice formation coming out of our "rapture tube" and I think it looks slightly like the Methodist symbol of the cross and the flame:
You kind of have to use your imagination or maybe cross your eyes, but in a weird, abstract way I can see it.
This morning during the sermon, right at a crucial point that John was making, I think something about the power of God, a whole sheet of ice slid off of the roof and made this huge rumbling sound. If he planned it, it couldn't have been more effective. Good job with the non- CGI, John.

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